American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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American College of Clinical Pharmacy and Society of Critical Care Medicine Professional Development Program for Recertification of Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacists (BCCCP)

The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) has approved a three-component professional development program, to be developed and delivered by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) for the recertification of Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacists (BCCCPs).

The components will provide opportunities for BCCCPs who elect to recertify by continuing education to earn more than the 100.0 hours of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credit required over a 7-year period. ACCP will record and report directly to BPS the recertification credit earned by BCCCPs in each component.

The three components, available annually (beginning in 2024), are as follows:

  1. Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
  2. Critical Care Self-Assessment Program (CCSAP)
  3. BCCCP Clinical Sessions

Each component will cover the domains, tasks, and knowledge statements as delineated by the BPS Specialty Council on Critical Care Pharmacy and published in the Content Outline for the Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Certification Examination. BCCCPs may select from among these annual components to earn the required number of hours during their certification cycle. Each component, priced separately, will include a Web-based posttest.

The table below summarizes the minimum recertification credit hours to be offered each year by each program component. In total, the program will offer a minimum of 54.0 credit hours toward BCCCP recertification each year, with a total of 228.0 hours offered over 7 years. 

Program/Activity Minimum No. of Hours Offered Each Year Format When
Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course 20.0 Home Study Released annual in fall
Critical Care Self-Assessment Program (CCSAP) 30.0 Home Study only New modules released in March and September each year.
BCCCP Clinical Sessions 4.0 Live and Home Study Live in congunction with the ACCP Annual Meeting and the ASHP Midyear Meeting
Component 1: Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course

The Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course will provide a comprehensive review of critical care pharmacy topics within the scope of services provided by critical care pharmacists. The Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course will be updated and made available in fall every year. 

minimum of 20.0 hours of recertification credit will be available for participants each year. To earn recertification credit from the Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course, BCCCPs must complete the instructional materials and successfully submit and pass the Web-based posttest by the deadline. Only completed tests will be eligible for credit; no partial or incomplete tests will be processed. 

Component 2: Critical Care Self-Assessment Program (CCSAP)

CCSAP is an online study program that will provide BCCCPs with previously unpublished material on contemporary topics related to the Critical Care Pharmacy specialty. CCSAP online books will be released twice a year in March and September.

CCSAP will provide a minimum of 15.0 recertification hours annually. BCCCPs who wish to earn recertification credit must read the instructional materials and successfully complete and pass the Web-based posttests by the deadline for each CCSAP module. Only completed tests are eligible for credit; no partial or incomplete tests will be processed.  

Component 3: BCCCP Clinical Sessions

The BCCCP Clinical Sessions explore cutting-edge, contemporary therapeutic topics withint he current content outline for the specialty. These sessions will be presented at both the ACCP Annual Meeting and ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and audio recorded for home study. 

These sessions will provide a minimum of 4.0 recertification hours annually.

Additional Information

Visit the Specialty Recertification section of the ACCP Bookstore to view the current resources for each specialty. For more information, please contact ACCP at (913) 492-3311 or send an e-mail to [email protected].