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Communication Skills for Pharmacists: Building Relationships, Improving Patient Care, Third Edition

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Communication Skills for Pharmacists, third edition, includes new material to help pharmacists develop the communication skills they need in order to provide high quality care. Effective relationships between pharmacists and patients and between pharmacists and physicians pave the way for positive treatment outcomes.

Features include:

  • Key chapters covering important communication skills for pharmacists: listening and empathic responding, supportive communication, persuasive communication, assertiveness, managing conflict, dealing with angry patients, and helping patients accept the behavior changes needed to manage their illness
  • A new chapter on communication about sensitive medical issues and another new chapter on communication with patients who have literacy limitations
  • Detailed patient counseling checklist
  • Dozens of examples of good and bad pharmacist–patient and pharmacist–physician dialogues
  • Questions for reflection at the end of each chapter
Author(s): Bruce A. Berger, Ph.D., R.Ph.
ISBN: 978-1-58212-132-1
Publication Year: 2009
Format: Softcover
240 pages