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Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs, 10th Edition

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This widely used text uses a case-based approach to help students master the fundamentals of drug therapeutics. Students will learn the basics of common diseases and disorders and develop practical problem-solving skills for devising and implementing successful drug treatment regimens. Case studies integrated into each chapter illustrate key concepts and principles of therapeutics and give students practice in developing their own evidence-based therapeutic plans.

Features include:

  • New chapter on Nutrition and Patient Assessment
  • Arthritic Disorders expanded from 3 to 4 chapters to break out and increase coverage of osteoarthritis
  • Women’s Health expanded from 4 to 5 chapters to break out and increase coverage of infertility
  • Neurologic Disorders expanded from 4 to 5 chapters to break out and increase coverage of multiple sclerosis
  • Neoplastic Disorders totally reworked/expanded
  • Pediatrics reworked to expand on pediatric pharmacotherapy, care of the critically ill child, and pediatric fluid/electrolytes
  • Core Principles section at beginning of each chapter states the most important take-away information from that chapter and indicates which case(s) exemplify each of the core principles
  • Online Content feature located throughout the chapter points out ancillary content (videos, PPTs, PPTs with narration, audio files, full-color images, animations, additional content) that can be found on the companion student resource center. Many of these assets are author-created.
  • Key References and Web sites list at end of chapter helps readers focus on the most important references to consult (full reference lists for each chapter are located online)
  • More than 860 cases integrated into the text make it the single most cost effective, relevant resource for therapeutics education; case studies integrated into each chapter illustrate key concepts and principles of therapeutics and give students practice in developing their own evidence-based therapeutic plans. Students learn the basics of the disease and then learn how to think as clinicians in approaching the drug treatment of the disease.
  • All chapters completely updated and revised to incorporate the latest drug treatments and therapeutic practices and guidelines.
  • Over 850 tables provide quick access to comparative drug information, pharmacokinetic properties, treatment options, dosing guidelines, risk factors, and disease and diagnosis information.
  • Contributors are all leading clinicians with many years of evidence-based care; the case studies reflect their experiences.
Author(s): Brian K. Alldredge, Pharm.D.; Robin L. Corelli, Pharm.D.; Michael E. Ernst, Pharm.D.; B. J. Guglielmo Jr., Pharm.D.; Pamala A. Jacobson, Pharm.D.; Wayne A. Kradjan, Pharm.D.; and Bradley R. Williams, Pharm.D.
ISBN: 978-1-60913-713-7
Publication Year: 2012
Format: Hardcover
2,560 pages