Monday, October 14, 2024 from 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM MST at Convention Center North Building / Meeting Room 132
Available for 1.50 hours of CPE creditActivity Number: 0217-0000-24-134-L01-PActivity Type: A Knowledge-Based ActivityIn the spirit of "What's Next for Pharmacy," the Perioperative PRN Educational Programming Committee presents a focus session showcasing an expanded vision for clinical pharmacist services and medication safety optimization in procedural areas. Procedural spaces such as the cardiac catheterization lab, endoscopy suite, interventional radiology suite, interventional pulmonology suite, and interventional neurology suite are anticipated to be of focus. These areas have similar workflows, medication education and management needs, and safety risk points as the perioperative setting, but have unique barriers to pharmacist integration and medication optimization. Opportunities exist to increase involvement of not only perioperative clinical pharmacists in these unique spaces, but also of other specialty pharmacists that provide care for patients who commonly undergo procedures. The target audience of this session therefore is broad, targeting the Perioperative PRN along with practitioners from a variety of other PRNs, including, but not limited to Cardiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Pulmonary, Neurology, GI/Liver/Nutrition, and Endocrine/Metabolism. The purpose of this session is to share knowledge about common and emerging procedural medication practices, to highlight current safety challenges, and to showcase the clinical opportunities that exist within the procedural setting.
Learning Objectives1. Discuss common medications managed by pharmacy services in the cardiac catheterization lab,
2. Summarize strategies to integrate clinical pharmacy services within the cardiac catheterization lab team.
3. Review commonly used medications during neuroendovascular procedures.
4. Describe strategies to implement safe and effective medication practices into neurointerventional radiology.
5. Outline strategies to provide safe and effective moderate sedation in procedural areas.
6. Select an evidence-based moderate sedation pharmacotherapy regimen, incorporating both patient-and procedure-specific risk factors.
| Moderator: | Rachel C. Wolfe, Pharm.D., BCCCP | | Clinical Pharmacy Specialist of Perioperative Services
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Saint Louis, Missouri
| View Biography |
Mending a Broken Heart: Optimizing Medication Therapies in the Cardiac Cath Lab1:45 PM to 2:15 PM |
Brainstorming Best Practices: The Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in the Neuro-Interventional Setting2:15 PM to 2:45 PM | Speaker: | Kara L. Birrer, Pharm.D., BCPS | | Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Neurocritical Care Orlando Regional Medical Center / Orlando Health Orlando, FL | View Biography |
A New AWAKENing: Emerging Sedation Practices in Procedural Areas2:45 PM to 3:15 PM | Speaker: | Julie Maamari, Pharm.D. | | Perioperative Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, Missouri | View Biography |