Monday, October 14, 2024 from 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM MST at Convention Center North Building / North Ballroom 120A
Available for 1.50 hours of CPE creditActivity Number: 0217-0000-24-123-L01-PActivity Type: A Knowledge-Based ActivityPsychiatric emergencies are becoming a regular challenge to the EMED practitioner, demanding dedication to the continuity of learning to optimize patient care. The EMED PRN Educational Programming Committee aims to present a review of patient considerations and medication options for the management of acute psychiatric emergencies and their appropriate use in practice. By understanding medication considerations and evidence-based regimens, participants will be able to develop and prepare individualized treatment recommendations for care in specific patient populations. The target audience includes emergency medicine practitioners and those practicing in mental health and critical care. This session will also provide a learning opportunity for pharmacy residents and students. Examples, polling questions, and case presentation will be used throughout the session to apply learned information. This topic was selected after surveying the EMED PRN for topics of particular interest and relevancy to the EMED clinical pharmacist and has been designed in collaboration with practitioners focused in mental health.
Learning Objectives1. Discuss the role of pharmacologic treatment in the management of psychiatric emergencies.
2. Summarize clinical considerations when selecting pharmacologic treatment for psychiatric emergencies.
3. List medication options for the treatment of acute psychiatric emergencies.
4. Describe differences between medications for acute treatment of agitation.
5. Identify specialized treatment modalities for diverse patient populations.
6. Outline a comprehensive approach to unique psychiatric emergencies.
 | Moderator: | Alyssa Robertson, Pharm.D., BCCCP, BCEMP, BCPS | | Clinical Pharmacist Specialist, WellSpan York Hospital, York, PA | View Biography |
When to Treat: Medication Selection in the Psychiatric Emergency Department1:45 PM to 2:15 PM | Speaker: | Caitlin S. Brown, Pharm.D. | | Assistant Professor of Pharmacy & Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic Hospital Rochester Rochester, MN | View Biography |
What to Pick: Medication Options for Psychiatric Emergencies2:15 PM to 2:45 PM | Speaker: | Alicia Mattson, Pharm.D., BCEMP | | Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Mayo Clinic Hospital Rochester Rochester, MN | View Biography |
Navigating Psychiatric Emergencies: Tailored Treatment Approaches for Special Populations2:45 PM to 3:15 PM | Speaker: | Elizabeth Taber, Pharm.D., BCPP | | Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Psychiatry and PGY2 Psychiatry Residency Program Director University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill, NC | View Biography |