American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Practical Application of Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Science

Monday, October 14, 2024 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM MST at Convention Center North Building / Meeting Room 127

Available for 2.00 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-24-185-L99-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

This presentation provides a practical introduction to dissemination and implementation (D&I) science, walks the audience through the process of how to apply a D&I science framework when planning to implement an evidence-based program/intervention, and illustrates the value of D&I science using a case example.

Session Worksheet:  D&I Science Worksheet.pdf 

This session is open to all meeting registrants and is part of the Research and Scholarship Academy programming.

Learning Objectives

1. Describe the characteristics of implementation science that drive contextual alignment and improve uptake of evidence-based programs/interventions.

2. Apply an implementation science framework to define a multilevel partner engagement plan.

3. Apply an implementation science framework to prioritize relevant pragmatic outcomes.

4. Describe approaches to plan for the sustainability of evidence-based programs/interventions from the beginning (designing for sustainability).

Katy E. Trinkley, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FCCP, BCACP
Speaker:Katy E. Trinkley, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FCCP, BCACP

Associate Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Department of Family Medicine, Aurora, Colorado

  View Biography


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