Tuesday, October 15, 2024 from 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM MST at Convention Center North Building / Meeting Room 124
Available for 2.00 hours of CPE creditActivity Number: 0217-0000-24-219-L99-PActivity Type: An Application-Based ActivityWords are the most powerful drug used by mankind. We are what we repeatedly do. First impressions and the perceptions of others are weighty and word choice, semantics, and delivery can be the difference between being heard and given opportunities. "Sticky professional relationships" are founded on credibility, rapport, and intrigue. Luck favors the prepared. This workshop will provide micro-lectures followed by individual and partner exercises to consider yourself through multiple lenses including how you view yourself and how others see, think, and feel about you. We will discuss personal branding and practice giving formal and casual introductions in professional settings. Extraordinary experiences are often hidden in plain sight; we hope that this session serves as an extraordinary experience that elevates your ability to connect with others and achieve your full potential.
This session is open to all meeting registrants and is part of the Leadership and Management and Teaching and Learning Academy programming.
Learning Objectives1. Describe how individual values, differentiators, habits, and reciprocity style impact impressions and relationships in the workplace.
2. State your purpose (why) for serving as a healthcare professional.
3. Develop awareness and skill in perceiving how others see, think, and feel about you in the workplace.
4. Develop awareness and skill in articulating your unique value as a healthcare practitioner.
 | Speaker: | Lindsay Davis, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCP, BCPS | | Director, Cardiology & Metabolism Team, Internal Medicine Field Medical Group, Pfizer Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Midwestern University College of Pharmacy, Glendale, Arizona | View Biography |
 | Speaker: | Lauren L. Williams, Pharm.D. | | Director, Field Medical Outcomes and Analytics, Pfizer Internal Medicine, US Medical Affairs | View Biography |