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REMINDER: Two $40,000 Delirium & Dementia Pilot Awards - LOIs Due December 6

November 11, 2024

The Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists is awarding two $40,000 Pilot Awards for the 2025-2026 grant cycle. This cycle of Pilot Awards is focused on the inter-relationship of Delirium and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD). This focus is purposefully broad, and examples of projects fulfilling this theme include (but are not limited to) studies focused on:

  • Risk factors or outcomes related to delirium associated with AD/ADRD or long-term cognitive decline
  • Harmonization and refinement of measurement tools that distinguish delirium from AD/ADRD or delirium superimposed on AD/ADRD
  • Biomarker and mechanistic studies to advance our understanding of: (1) the pathophysiology of inter-relationship of delirium and AD/ADRD; (2) how delirium may lead to the development of AD/ADRD; or (3) identifying therapeutic targets at the interface of delirium and AD/ADRD
  • Clinical Trials--Intervention development studies for future clinical trials, especially of delirium prevention or treatment strategies which examine effectiveness for the outcomes of AD/ADRD or long-term cognitive decline

Pilot Letters of Intent are due on Friday December 6, 2024 by 5pm EST.

All deadlines can be found on the timeline on the Pilots page of the NIDUS website, as well as all instructions and eligibility criteria for LOIs and the full Pilot applications.


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