American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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From the Desk of the ACCP President

December 05, 2024
Jo Ellen Rodgers, Pharm.D., FCCP, FHFSA, FAHA, BCCP, BCPS


ACCP’s Collaboration with GTMRx to Advance Medication Optimization

In its efforts to position clinical pharmacists as the team members accountable for medication optimization, ACCP collaborates with organizations that hold a similar vision and goals. One such organization is the Get the Medications Right (GTMRx) Institute.

GTMRx Mission. Founded in 2019, GTMRx is a coalition of diverse stakeholders working to advance team-based medication optimization. The institute’s What We Believe statement proclaims that “a personalized, patient-centered, systematic and coordinated approach to medication use will vastly improve outcomes and reduce overall health care costs.” GTMRx focuses on advancing and improving areas such as:

  • practice and care system transformation,
  • value-based payment/policy solutions,
  • precision medicine, and
  • health information technology.

In addition to pharmacists, members of GTMRx include physicians, caregivers, health information technology innovators, drug and diagnostics companies, consumer groups, employers, payers, and health systems. Besides ACCP, GTMRx engages members of APhA, ASHP, AACP, the American Academy of Family Physicians, America’s Physician Groups, and the American College of Physicians.

ACCP Engagement in GTMRx. As a GTMRx founding organization, ACCP has a designated representative on the GTMRx board. The College continues to provide staff contributions to GTMRx, and both ACCP members and staff actively lead and contribute to various workgroups and advisory groups. GTMRx actively promotes the goals of advancing comprehensive medication management (CMM) in patient-focused team-based care models to gain stakeholder buy-in from physicians/physician groups, employers, payers, and policymakers.

ACCP’s substantial involvement in GTMRx remains one of the College’s major advocacy efforts. GTMRx reaches an audience beyond the pharmacy profession, enabling broad dissemination of its resources, including evidence-based approaches to advancing medication optimization. GTMRx furthers ACCP’s advocacy in not only practice transformation, but also payment and practice policy development.

An excellent example of resources to which ACCP staff and members have contributed is The Outcomes of Implementing and Integrating Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Care: A Review of the Evidence on Quality, Access and Costs. This document is updated annually, with the next iteration to be released next month. It will then be distributed to key health care leaders and decision-makers in early 2025. Other impactful resources include GTMRx’s comprehensive infographics (see the graphic excerpt that follows) and use cases.

Getting Involved in GTMRx. ACCP members can get involved in GTMRx at no cost by becoming a signing member. Signing members have access to GTMRx resources, updates, and regular communications. Becoming a signing member also provides opportunities to volunteer and be engaged in ACCP and GTMRx advocacy efforts. Learn more about the institute’s work at


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