On February 16, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation hosted Dr. Hussain Lalani in its #BuildingTrust Conversation Series webinar. Lalani is a co-founder of the This Is Our Shot (TIOS) coalition, a national grassroots coalition of health care heroes and allies that was formed to build vaccine trust for a COVID-free world. ACCP partnered with TIOS in early 2021 as an ally organization. The coalition’s mission is to build healthier communities by elevating the trusted voices of health heroes. Its goals are to build a diverse coalition of health heroes, train heroes to engage effectively on social media, and disseminate simple, evidence-based messaging to build vaccine trust and combat misinformation.
Although medical mis- and disinformation about numerous health topics have long gone unchecked online, the circulation of misleading information during the COVID-19 pandemic was unprecedented, leading to vaccine avoidance, mask refusal, and the use of unfounded medications. In this webinar, the speakers offered ways for clinicians to have conversations about misinformation with their patients and the community and provided resources and suggestions for clinicians wanting to play an active role in mitigating misinformation on social media. Click here to view the webinar recording.