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The Literature Study Module provides immediate access to peer-selected, contemporary articles that are relevant to specialty practice. After learners review the content, they must successfully complete an online assessment to earn recertification credit.
The Literature Study Module is intended for board certified pharmacists in need of recertification credit and is designed based on the content outline developed by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS). This module consists of 2 online home study activities. Each activity is designed to assess the learners’ ability to analyze and apply peer-selected contemporary articles to practice.
Module 1A: Cardiology / Trauma
This module focuses on current issues in the management of cardiovascular and trauma related emergencies. Topics include arrhythmias, acute pulmonary edema, and acute traumatic hemorrhage.
Module 1B: Neurology / Critical Care
This module focuses on current issues in the management of neurologic emergencies and critically ill patients. Topics include acute cerebral hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, rapid sequence intubation, and life-threatening toxicity due to poisonings.
Learners will be required to review the content and complete the associated online assessments. The learner must be able to correctly answer the questions based upon their interpretation of the content, as well as “baseline specialty specific knowledge and/or easily retrievable information.” For purposes of this Literature Study, “baseline specialty specific knowledge and/or easily retrievable information” is defined as product labeling and well-established standards of practice in the specialty practice.
These activities are part of the ACCP and ASHP professional development program for BCEMP recertification approved by BPS.
ACCP collaborates with ASHP on Emergency Medicine Pharmacy activities.
ASHP members, please visit to receive member pricing.
Release Date: July 17, 2024
BCEMP Deadline: July 15, 2025ACPE Deadline: July 15, 2027
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Recorded Lecture with Test for Recertification CreditTechnical Requirements: