American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Essentials of Cultural Competence in Pharmacy Practice

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Essentials of Cultural Competence in Pharmacy Practice is designed to help pharmacists and student pharmacists excel in today’s multicultural world by improving cultural competency. The book lays the foundation for cultural competence by illuminating the communication styles, familial structure, spiritual beliefs, and genetic, biochemical, and physiological traits of particular ethnic or sociological groups. This practical text offers the opportunity for pharmacists and students pharmacists to study their own cultural background, the health care needs inherent across cultures, and to effectively hone communication and competency skills needed to work effectively with patients and other health care providers from diverse cultures. Equipped with knowledge about a patient’s cultural background, pharmacists can deliver pharmaceutical care that accommodates the patient’s needs, beliefs, and health practices.

Author(s): Kimberly Vess Halbur, EdD; and Duane A. Halbur, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-58212-113-0
Publication Year: 2008
Format: Softcover
341 pages