American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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SOLD OUT!! Antibiotic Essentials 2017, 15th Edition

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The new edition of this highly successful annual pocket guide presents clinicians with the most recent information in the field of antimicrobial therapy and infectious diseases. Written by recognised experts in infectious disease, this edition discusses serum and urinary spectrum summaries of antibiotics and clinically relevant pharmacokinetics. Completely new sections on Antibiotic Stewardship, IV-to-PO Switch Therapy, and differentiation of colonisation and infection, are also included.

Key Points:

•Fifteenth edition presenting most recent information in field of antimicrobial therapy and infectious disease

•Highly successful annual pocket guide

•Includes many new topics

•Authored by leading experts in the field

Author(s): Cheston B. Cunha, Burke A. Cunha
ISBN: 978-93-85999-07-9
Publication Year: 2017
Format: Softcover
760 pages