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The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions, Fourth Edition

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A teaching portfolio is a collection of materials that document teaching performance. It brings together in one place information about a professor’s most significant teaching accomplishments. It can be used for tenure and promotion decisions or to provide the stimulus for self-reflection about areas for teaching improvement.

Approximately 2,000 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada now use teaching portfolios, and they are gaining increasing popularity worldwide. Since the publication of the first edition of this best-selling guide, tens of thousands of faculty have used it to prepare teaching portfolios.

With a focus on self-reflection and documenting teaching performance, its straightforward approach, practical suggestions, step-by-step instructions, and field-tested recommendations, this book will prove invaluable to those involved in evaluating and improving teaching.

The book includes sections on:

  • The Teaching Portfolio: Purpose, Process, and Product
  • Electronic Teaching Portfolios
  • How Portfolios Are Used in Selected Institutions
  • Keeping the Portfolio Current
  • Sample Portfolios from Across Disciplines
Author(s): Peter Seldin, Ph.D.; J. Elizabeth Miller, Ph.D.; and Clement A. Seldin, Ed.D.; Foreword by Wilbert McKeachie, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-0-470-53809-8
Publication Year: 2010
Format: Softcover
416 pages