American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP RI Open House: ↑ n ∝ ↑ (1 – β)


Join us on Tuesday, October 15, 9:00–10:00 a.m., in the Brazos Room (Albuquerque Convention Center) to learn more from Research Institute (RI) Board members, Focused Investigator Training (FIT) Program faculty and alumni, and members of the Practice-Based Research Network’s (PBRN) Community Advisory Panel about the PBRN and FIT Program in an interactive session. RI staff will also be available to listen to your ideas for the FIT Program, the PBRN, or any RI program.

The ACCP PBRN facilitates collaborative research that improves patient outcomes. The PBRN can:

  • Connect you with other clinical pharmacists engaged in ongoing clinical research.
  • Assist with developing and advancing your own research ideas.
  • Provide support for human subjects’ training and IRB submissions, and more!

ACCP members at all levels may join the ACCP PBRN at no cost – we can help you register at the Open House or at the RI table in the registration area.

The FIT Program pairs experienced and funded faculty mentors with mentees who have yet to receive significant funding for 5 days of intensive proposal development work. The program curriculum offers:

  • Small-group proposal development sessions.
  • Tip-rich lectures and discussions.
  • One-on-one mentor appointments.
  • Protected time for after-hours proposal revisions.

Beginning with “Writing Killer Aims” and working through to “Budget, Project Management, and Next Steps Toward Implementation” by program’s end, attendees take the necessary steps to prepare a K, R01, or similar investigator-initiated application for submission to the NIH or other major funding source.