American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2023 ACCP Annual Meeting Advocacy Opportunities

Registration is open for the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting, November 11–14, in Dallas, Texas! ACCP’s Government and Professional Affairs team in Washington, D.C., is particularly excited about the following advocacy-focused sessions of interest to ACCP members:

ACCP-PAC Captains are a leadership team that serve as liaisons between their PRN and the ACCP-Political Action Committee (ACCP-PAC). The goal is to have 100% PRN participation in this breakfast with a representative from every PRN in attendance!

Contacting a U.S. representative or senator is one of the most effective ways to influence decisions on legislation related to pharmacy and health care in general. However, why are so many of us not currently advocating for change? This session will explore how and when to advocate for the profession of pharmacy. Discussion will focus on how to be effective when communicating with state representatives or visiting Capitol Hill and how to identify ways to effect change.