American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2009 ACCP Committee and Task Force Selection Now Complete

After receiving responses to this summer’s committee charge/volunteer services survey from more than 600 ACCP member volunteers, President-Elect John Murphy has completed the process of impaneling committees and task forces for the upcoming year. Each committee and task force will hold its first face-to-face meeting next month during the 2008 ACCP Annual Meeting in Louisville. At press time, a few members with new e-mail addresses or particularly active spam filters were still being tracked down to confirm their respective committee and task force appointments. However, if you expressed interest in committee service via this summer’s survey and were not selected, take heart! ACCP will be offering additional opportunities for members to volunteer for other College-related activities during the course of the year (student CV review, meeting abstract review, etc.) based on your responses to this summer’s survey. Look for e-mails from ACCP if you volunteered to provide noncommittee service this year in addition to open calls for selected new volunteer activities in future issues of the ACCP Report.