American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Registration Opens Soon for ACCP’s New Critical Care Pharmacy and Pediatric Pharmacy Prep Courses

To be held at Chicago’s conveniently located Hyatt Regency O’Hare from April 10 to 14, 2015, Updates in Therapeutics®; 2015 will feature the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Review and Recertification courses plus ACCP’s new preparatory review courses in Critical Care Pharmacy and Pediatric Pharmacy. All four courses will offer a fast-paced yet comprehensive review of the full scope of each specialty to help you reaffirm your areas of strength and identify potential weaknesses. Each course will offer a detailed 750- to 1500-page workbook that includes 200+ case-based questions and explained answers and will provide access to a systematic series of review activities designed to help you prepare for the exam.

Registration for these comprehensive preparatory review courses will open at the end of November at Even if you are not planning to sit for a BPS specialty examination, you may still be interested in assessing your knowledge and skills in a specialty area by taking advantage of one of these advanced programs. These courses serve as an excellent review for ambulatory care, critical care, pediatric, or pharmacotherapy practitioners seeking to remain current in all aspects of their respective area of clinical practice.

All courses will be held April 10–14, 2015 at Chicago’s Hyatt Regency O'Hare, located just minutes from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Watch the ACCP Web site,, for complete meeting details.

®Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office