American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Releases 2023 DEIA Plan Update

ACCP is dedicated to creating and sustaining a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA). Beginning in 2020, the ACCP Board of Regents (BOR) has had ongoing complex and in-depth conversations about equity, respect, diversity, and inclusion. In January 2021, the BOR engaged a consulting firm, Ameli Global Partnerships (AGP), and participated with ACCP staff in professional development activities focused on DEI principles and best practices. In collaboration with AGP, ACCP’s initial Strategic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan was developed. Between 2021 and 2023, most objectives in that plan were accomplished, and additional member input was collected. Ongoing data and learning informed the development of phase II action plans that appear in an updated DEIA plan that outlines the objectives through 2025.

The updated plan includes a continued focus on enhancing inclusion within ACCP and the diversity of clinical pharmacy and ACCP membership. Strategic directions include the following:

  1. Creating and sustaining an inclusive culture within ACCP
  2. Increasing transparency and accessibility of service, leadership, and recognition opportunities within ACCP
  3. Providing professional development and transparent member communication on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility
  4. Decreasing barriers to participation for groups that are underrepresented within clinical pharmacy and ACCP
  5. Implementing bias-conscious policies and procedures within ACCP

The 2024 ACCP Task Force on DEIA has been impaneled to advise the BOR on issues related to DEIA and to implement charges from the DEIA plan. ACCP will employ ongoing monitoring of progress, and these efforts will be routinely communicated to ACCP members.