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Pediatric and Neonatal Dosage Handbook, 23rd Edition

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The Pediatric & Neonatal Dosing Handbook includes more than 1,000 drug monographs featuring concise fields of information specific to neonates and children. It follows a convenient, dictionary-like format, with drug products alphabetically organized and cross-referenced by U.S. and Canadian brand names.

Clear, concise and relevant Lexicomp drug information is supplemented by an extensive Appendix of comparative charts, tables and supportive information, as well as a Therapeutic Category & Key Word Index.


  • 1054 drug monographs
  • Up to 42 Fields of Information per Monograph
  • More than 140 Extemporaneous Preparation Recipes
  • More than 120 Pages of Appendix Information
Author(s): Carol K. Taketomo, Pharm. D.
ISBN: 978-1-59195-358-6
Publication Year: 2016
Format: Softcover
2062 pages