American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Professional Leadership Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE)

The ACCP APPE is designed to provide students pursuing a doctor of pharmacy degree with an opportunity to learn about leadership within a professional organization from the perspectives of both elected leaders and staff, with a syllabus incorporating both individual and group discussions, journal clubs, presentations, and writing projects. This virtual rotation allows the student to interact with staff from both the Lenexa and Washington, DC offices, as well as elected leaders throughout the United States. On-site visits can be arranged for students wishing to visit either of the ACCP offices. The rotation duration may range from 4 to 6 weeks, based on the preferred duration of the academic institution. Rotations are available throughout the academic year, except for the months of October and December. The rotation syllabus and learning objectives are available here. Evaluations of student performance will be performed by the student’s primary preceptor for this rotation using the school or college’s evaluation forms.

Candidates will be selected for the rotation based on their completed application, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation from faculty members, and active participation in student pharmacy organizations. Applicants must also include a letter from the experiential education program administrator at their school or college to ensure coordination of rotation scheduling and establishment of an affiliation agreement prior to the acceptance of a student for the rotation. Students are responsible for any expenses associated with the rotation.

Rotation Syllabus and Learning Objectives

  • To review the syllabus and learning objectives CLICK HERE.

Information on Applying for the ACCP Professional Leadership APPE Rotation

  • Applications are accepted each year from August 1 to September 15.
  • During that period, CLICK HERE to access the application.
  • Candidates will be notified during the first week of October.

Testimonials from Past APPE Participants

Logan Graves

Marion Javellana

*Academic institutions interested in this opportunity may contact ACCP for additional details at [email protected].