American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Residents, Fellows, and Graduate Students

Welcome to the Resident and Fellow section of the ACCP Web site. As a postgraduate trainee, you have the opportunity to benefit from all of the educational programs and resources available to full members, but at a discounted membership rate. You can also utilize the career development and networking tools that will help you reach the next step in your career path.


Apply for Appointment to the ACCP National Resident Advisory Committee
ACCP is accepting applications through July 15. Apply Now.

Social Media

ACCP Podcasts for Postgrads by Postgrads

Comments and questions about resident podcasts can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected].

Episode 49: ACCP Podcast for Postgrads by Postgrads: Peer Review 101

Episode 48: ACCP Podcast for Postgrads by Postgrads: Virtual poster presentations

Episode 47: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Esketamine for treatment resistant depression

Episode 46: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Pharm.D. to Research Pathway

Episode 45: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Pursuing a Career in Academia

Episode 44: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: PAD; management of pain, agitation, and delirium in COVID-19 patients

Episode 43: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Answers to so many questions about board certification

Episode 42: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Use of Oral Antibiotic Agents for Gram Negative Bacteremias

Episode 41: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: SGLT2 Inhibitors and Heart Failure

Episode 40: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: An Antimicrobial Telestewardship Program

Episode 39: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: ECMO and Toxicology

Episode 38: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Wellness and Burnout

Episode 37: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Transitioning into Residency

Episode 36: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Andexanet

Episode 35: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Paving Your Way in Ambulatory Care.

Episode 34: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: Mentorship.

Episode 33: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: How to stay current with the primary literature.

Episode 32: ACCP Podcast for Residents by Residents: The 1 Hour Sepsis Bundle.