American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Practice and Research Networks

ACCP Practice and Research Networks (PRNs) were established to connect focused groups of clinical pharmacists to enhance professional support and collaboration. They provide a means for clinical pharmacists with common practice and research interests to gather for professional interaction, networking, and continuing education. Activities within individual PRNs may vary depending on the interests and perceived needs of their members. Each PRN maintains a community for members to discuss key information in their fields, and their leadership prepares educational sessions to be delivered each year at the ACCP Annual Meeting. The PRNs amplify the voices of their members, allowing them to inform and guide ACCP policy from the clinician level.

Join a PRN

Adult Medicine PRN

The Adult Medicine PRN optimizes pharmacotherapy outcomes through promotion of excellence and innovation in clinical practice, education, and research by enhancing the knowledge, skills, and productivity of its members. The main objectives of the PRN are to: provide a means for communication and informal networking among members; provide quality educational programming at national meetings; utilize the Internet to facilitate access to timely educational updates and facilitate information exchange among adult medicine pharmacists; and provide opportunities for collaborative research. Our PRN hosts a diverse group of pharmacists, including community, family medicine, internal medicine, geriatrics, and managed care. While the majority of our members practice in adult medicine, each member also brings an individual expertise area to the PRN, with practitioners from areas such as infectious diseases, transitions of care, and cardiology. These diverse areas of expertise are what makes us one of the most well-rounded PRNs and affords a wide variety of educational and scholarship opportunities, through both formal and informal collaborative settings. Collaboration amongst our members further allows mentorship and service opportunities to abound within the PRN for students, residents, and both new and established adult medicine practitioners.

Ambulatory Care PRN

ACCP Practice and Research Networks (PRNs) were established to connect focused groups of clinical pharmacists to enhance professional support and collaboration. They each maintain an e-mail list for members to discuss key information in their fields, and their leadership prepares educational sessions to be delivered each year at the ACCP Annual Meeting. The PRNs amplify the voices of their members, allowing them to inform and guide ACCP policy from the clinician level. The Ambulatory Care PRN is composed of pharmacists from a diverse array of outpatient settings with a particular emphasis on the provision of primary care for chronic diseases. It was one of the first two PRNs established in 1992 and has grown to be one of the largest PRNs each year. There are approximately 2400 active members including over 200 resident/fellow members. The PRN maintains an active e-mail list where clinicians and trainees discuss breaking research and share advice regarding practice development. The PRN has several committees that work throughout the year to make it one of the premier PRNs. PRN Committees include Advocacy, Budget, Communications, Education, Membership, Networking, Nominations, Research Process, Scholarly Activity, Resident, and Student. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact our leadership team! There are also several benefits for joining the PRN including: -Ambulatory Care Listserv -Access to the Ambulatory Care Resource Guide and Survival Guide -Eligibility for travel and research funding -Access to PRN webinars -Access to PRN directory -Committee Service

Cardiology PRN

The Cardiology PRN advances the pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular disorders through the promotion of excellence in education, research, and clinical practice by enhancing the knowledge, skills, and productivity of its members. The PRN's objectives are to: provide a means for communication and networking among members; provide quality educational programming at national meetings; use the Internet to facilitate access to information, expertise, and professional opportunities available through the PRN; and provide opportunities for collaborative research.

Central Nervous System PRN

The Central Nervous System provides a forum to encourage networking among pharmacists specializing in disorders of the central nervous system, increase high-quality programming on CNS diseases, and foster an arena where young professionals can develop leadership and presentation skills Follow us on our new social media accounts for updates and information! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @CNS_PRN

Clinical Administration PRN

The ACCP PRN Network provides a focal point around which to gather clinical pharmacists with common interests and needs in practice, research, and education. The Clinical Administration PRN (CADM PRN) is a forum for addressing practice and academic issues related to clinical administration. > Our members include directors, managers, and practitioners from inpatient and outpatient practice sites, including IT and academia. > There is an active resident and student contingency, especially appealing to those interested in health system administration. > Provide a network to gain member feedback on issues of concern. > The PRN offers numerous networking and collaborative opportunities. PRN WORKING COMMITTEES Many in attendance at the ACCP Annual Meeting volunteer for committee participation, but we’d like to offer the opportunity for participation for those who were unable to attend. Below is a list of committees with a brief description of each. Committee involvement is encouraged and appreciated - contact a PRN Officer if you are interested in participating with a particular committee. 1) Annual Meeting Planning: The Annual Meeting Planning Committee will work on the focus session for the upcoming annual meeting. 2) Education/Content Development: The Education and Content Development Committee will work to develop one or more clinical administration related competencies in conjunction with the ClinPharmEd. 3) Nominations: The Nominations Committee is responsible for seeking nominations for PRN offices and recommending a ballot of candidates. In addition, the nominations committee is responsible for identifying and nominating worthy individuals for ACCP awards, elected offices, and fellowship status. 4) Communications: The Communications Committee is responsible for the PRN Newsletter, developing the new PRN website and other communication related activities to enhance the sharing of information to the membership. 5) Student/Resident: The Student and Resident Committee will be responsible for implementing programs to enhance student and resident involvement including assisting with developing and distribution of travel stipends for qualified candidates.

Community-Based PRN

The Community-Based Practice and Research Network provides a forum for meeting the unique needs of ACCP members practicing in community settings. Specifically, this PRN aims to advance community-based pharmacy practice by enhancing collaboration and networking, developing high quality educational programming focused on the needs of community-based pharmacists, and supporting community-focused practice-based research. The Community-Based PRN is composed of pharmacists from a diverse array of community-based settings. These include but are not limited to: community pharmacies (all settings), academic, community-based organizations (e.g. - FQHC), ambulatory care clinics, primary care and specialty provider offices, and specialty pharmacies to name a few. It was established in 2021 and has grown to be an impactful PRNs. It’s active members currently include pharmacists, resident/fellows, students, and associate members. The PRN maintains an active newsletter and e-mail list of up to date and valuable content for community-based clinicians and trainees. There is opportunity to get involved in one of our committees (Programming, Communications, Awards/Nominations). If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact our leadership team!

Critical Care PRN

The Critical Care PRN optimizes drug therapy outcomes by promoting excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. The main objectives of the PRN are to: provide timely educational updates to members and other pharmacists; participate in multicenter research in partnership with critical care pharmacists who are members of other organizations; use the Internet to facilitate information exchange among critical care pharmacists, for example to develop a database of critical care practice guidelines; and to provide a means for informal networking among critical care pharmacists.

Drug Information PRN

The DI PRN represents a diverse group of pharmacists who have a strong interest in drug information. The PRN strives to support pharmacists practicing in drug information settings by providing high-quality educational, research, and service opportunities to PRN members. The PRN values its members’ opinions, encourages active participation within, supports the practice of evidence-based medicine, and provides activities to further drug information skills. The PRN supports ACCP-directed research and legislative initiatives related to drug information practice and seeks out opportunities to collaborate with other PRNs to promote incorporation of drug information into clinical pharmacy practice. The DI PRN represents practitioners, residents, fellows, and students. The DI PRN consists of members from academia, clinical practice, health systems, pharmaceutical industry, managed care organizations, medical information publishers, and medical education providers in the United States and abroad. The DI PRN is a wonderful way to network with other drug information specialists and expand drug information skills!

Education and Training PRN

The Education and Training (EDTR) PRN is comprised of diverse pharmacists from a variety of settings with the mission to advance clinical pharmacy through education and training of students and postgraduate trainees. To achieve these outcomes, the EDTR PRN facilitates programming (webinars, Annual Meeting), networking (peer, mentorship), leadership (elected and appointed), and research opportunities (teaching enhancement grant) for current and aspiring educators to advance education and training within the academy.

Emergency Medicine PRN

The members of the Emergency Medicine PRN are clinical pharmacists who primarily practice in an emergency department setting or have an interest in the treatment of patients in the emergency department. This PRN provides a means to network among members; provides educational opportunities; and uses the Internet to facilitate information exchange.

Join us for weekly discussion on emergency medicine and critical care topics on the ACCP EM PRN Podcast and Youtube page.

Endocrine and Metabolism PRN

The Endocrine & Metabolism PRN is comprised of pharmacists and student pharmacists from a variety of practice settings. The PRN was formed to achieve the following goals and objectives: 1) Provide an opportunity for pharmacists with an interest in endocrine and metabolism disorders to promote practice, research and education in these areas; 2) Provide a mechanism for members with similar interests to meet during ACCP meetings to network, problem solve, and discuss professional issues and opportunities; and 3) Promote practice involvement, educational needs of health care professionals, students and patients, and research activities in the areas of endocrinology and metabolism that may be favorably impacted upon by this ACCP PRN effort.

Geriatrics PRN

The Geriatrics PRN is composed of clinical pharmacists who are dedicated to the care of older persons as well as related issues involving aging. The PRN's membership crosses a broad spectrum of interests, ranging from clinical practice to basic and clinical research. Practice settings also run the full spectrum of health care including home health care, ambulatory care, nursing homes, and community, Veterans Administration, and University-affiliated sites. The PRN's goals include providing programing on topics in geriatrics and aging of importance to its members and to provide the opportunity for PRN members to network for purposes of sharing information and develop collaborative research. The PRN features a newsletter and coordinates activities for its members to gather at other professional meetings.

GI/Liver/Nutrition PRN

The GI/Liver/Nutrition (GILN) PRN was founded on October 25, 1999 in Kansas City, Missouri in order to establish a network of clinical pharmacists interested in promoting and advancing practice, research, and education in the areas of gastrointestinal (GI) disease, liver disease, and nutrition. The founding officers, Rosemary R. Berardi (Chair), William R. Garnett (Secretary/Treasurer), Rex O. Brown (Nominations Committee Chair), and Susan Sorrells (Communication/Newsletter Committee Chair), along with 25 participants helped to lay the foundation for the GILN PRN, which was officially recognized 84 days later, on January 17, 2000. The first official meeting of the GILN PRN reported 56 members. The GILN PRN membership has grown 400% since 2000. We have over 250 members, including practitioners, fellows, residents, and students. Members of the GILN PRN have made significant contributions to the profession: 140+ papers authored or co-authored by a PRN member, 40+ book chapters authored or co-authored by a PRN member, 120+ posters presented at meetings, and 300+ presentations at meetings. Additionally, many of our members hold certifications including BCPS, BCNSP, BCACP, BCCCP, CNSC, BCPPS, and CGP. We have members that are elected Fellows of ACCP, SCCM, ASPEN, and ASCP. Several of our members have also received various honors, awards, and grants for GILN-related research. The GILN PRN offers many opportunities for practitioners, residents, fellows, and students. These opportunities include travel awards for residents, fellows, and/or students, networking with experienced practitioners, and involvement in the leadership of the PRN, especially with the current push to expand the PRN onto social media.

Global Health PRN

Established in 2015, the Global Health Practice and Research Network (PRN) was created out of a need to provide pharmacists, trainees, and researchers a single network to collaborate and share resources to enhance global health. Often, global health is thought of as something that happens somewhere else. However, the Global Health PRN view of global health is more expansive: global health aims to achieve health equity for all people world-wide and requires transnational effort to achieve this goal. We envision and strive for a healthcare landscape in which thoughtful, context-inclusive, resource-efficient care for transnational health issues is provided through collaborative and equitable interprofessional and interinstitutional partnerships. Global Health PRN members consist of pharmacists and pharmacy learners from diverse clinical backgrounds who share the mission to promote the role of clinical pharmacy in global health through developing programs that improve the knowledge and skills of members; fostering collaborative connections; promoting student and post-graduate global health training opportunities; and sharing best practices for education, practice, research, and ethical engagement. The PRN is active through multiple committees including Programming, Member Engagement, Scholarship, and Nominations.

Health Equity PRN

The Health Equity PRN is composed of clinical pharmacists, postgraduate trainees, and students with a stated interest in promoting health equity across practice settings. To achieve this, the PRN facilitates educational programming, networking, leadership opportunities, and collaborative research opportunities for individuals interested in reducing health disparities.

Health Outcomes PRN

The Health Outcomes PRN provides an opportunity for ACCP members to network in the area of pharmacoeconomics and outcomes assessment. The primary goals of the PRN are: to facilitate communication between ACCP members regarding developments in the application of outcomes and economics techniques in clinical practice, research, and educational environments; and to enhance the knowledge of ACCP members in the field of outcomes and economics. The main activities of the PRN include organization of educational sessions at ACCP meetings, production of a quarterly newsletter for PRN members, and development of a membership network that links people of similar clinical, research, and academic interests.

Hematology/Oncology PRN

Established in 1994, the Hematology/Oncology PRN aims to connect pharmacists and learners from across the country, who share an interest in hematology and oncology, to network and learn from each other. The PRN provides a forum for hematology/oncology pharmacists and learners to network and collaborate on scientific, educational, and political issues affecting clinical practice, teaching, and research and serves as a resource for expertise to others. This is accomplished through the work of three committees and active committee and non-committee members: 1. Membership & Operations Committee 2. Scholarship Committee, 3. Communications Committee.


The HIV PRN offers members the opportunity to collaborate and discuss the management of the HIV patient through transitions of care in both the inpatient and ambulatory care settings. This PRN provides a forum for clinical pharmacists to optimize the care they deliver to their HIV-infected patients by sharing evidence based recommendations and professional experiences. The HIV PRN fosters the promotion of education for its members and the patients they care for as well as research collaboration. The HIV PRN's objectives are to: 1.) provide a network for communication for its members; 2.) deliver educational programming and networking events at national meetings; 3.) provide members access to other clinical specialists to assist in optimizing HIV care; and 4.) promote opportunities for collaboration in educational and research activities.

Infectious Diseases PRN

The Infectious Diseases PRN facilitates the dissemination and sharing of information on infectious diseases pharmacotherapy practice, teaching, and research among its members. The PRN's objectives are to: provide a means for communication and networking among members; provide quality educational programming and networking opportunities at national meetings; use the Internet to facilitate access to relevant information, expertise, and professional opportunities; and provide opportunities for collaborative research.

Nephrology PRN

The Nephrology PRN is a group of pharmacists interested in practice and research related to patients with renal disease. The main goals of the group are: to advance the scope of nephrology pharmacotherapy through excellence in education, clinical practice, research, and involvement in professional nephrology organizations; and to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Current activities of the PRN include fostering a growing relationship with the National Kidney Foundation in terms of pharmacist membership; programming and committee involvement; communicating the role of pharmacists in the care of dialysis patients to those working with the ESRD program at the Health Care Financing Administration; providing a network for research collaboration among PRN members, and establishing a communication link among pharmacists working in this area. The PRN is also comprised of various committee tasked with enhancing the PRN goals and charges. The current 2020 committees are as follows: Member Advocacy Committee: Co-Chairs: Ayesha Khan ([email protected]) and Calantha Yon ([email protected]) Members: Rebecca Maxson, Marissa Ostroff, Shahrier Hossain, Calvin Meaney, Chai Low Mission: To maintain and enhance communication via the NephPRN listserv, social media, as well as establishing communication with other PRNs or groups. Nominations Committee: Chair: Michelle Fravel ([email protected]) Members: Michael Schwenk, Katie Cardone Mission: Mission: To encourage the development of members through leadership and service positions. To enhance the visibility of PRN members within our group as well as within ACCP. Programming Committee: Chair: Calvin Meaney ([email protected]) Members: Rachel Eyler, Calvin Meaney, Rebecca Maxson, Mariann Churchwell, Katie Cardone, Laura Waite, Estella Davis Mission: To generate and solicit ideas for programming for the annual meetings focus session and any pre-symposia.To coordinate all presentations and submit synopsis and programs to ACCP. Research Committee Chair: Soo Min Jang ([email protected]) Members: Erin Barreto, Wiyanna Bruck, Mariann Churchwell, Susan Lewis, Nita Limdi, Calvin Meaney, RJ Sangiovanni, Eglis Tellez Mission: Mission: To enhance collaborative and translational research, strengthen collegiate relationships and increase the ability to continue research initiatives in a time of economic decline.

Pain and Palliative Care PRN

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy Pain and Palliative Care Practice and Research Network (ACCP PPC PRN) membership is comprised primarily of clinical pharmacy specialists, researchers, educators, students, residents, and fellows. The mission of the ACCP PPC PRN is to advance pain and palliative care related pharmacy practice, advocacy, education and treatment including safe and effective opioid use. Its objectives are to: (1) Provide a supportive network for all pharmacists with patient care concerns in pain and palliative care. (2) Provide quality education for pharmacists students, and those in postgraduate training. (3) Build leadership skills in young practitioners by encouraging their involvement in this PRN. (4) Provide an information source and expertise for outside organizations seeking expert opinions for publications or public policy. To achieve this, the ACCP PPC PRN has formed three committees:

Education Committee: plan PRN Focus Session and any other additional CE
2022-2023 Membership

  • Chair: Jessica Emshoff
  • Past Chair: Thomas Gregory
  • Members: Nancy Love, Amanda Williams

Scholarship and Mentorship Committee: coordinate the Student/Resident Mentorship Program; evaluate candidates and select winners for annual student and resident travel awards
2021-2023 Membership

  • Chair: Megan Carr
  • Past Chair: Alex Ebied
  • Members: Hannah Denham, Nancy Love

Membership Committee: create opportunities for membership engagement, including but not limited to annual membership survey and management of PRN social media
2022-2023 Membership

  • Chair: Madison Irwin
  • Past Chair: Nadia Jubran
  • Member: Craig Yon

We welcome new members to the PRN as we continue to expand our efforts.

Pediatrics PRN

The Pediatrics PRN provides a forum for professional interaction and networking that leads to opportunities for collaborative research, problem solving, and professional discussion of issues relevant to the practices of all members. The primary goal of the PRN is to support the development and promotion of excellent and innovative pediatric clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education that will positively influence the total pharmaceutical care of the patient. Activities of the PRN include collaborative research, organization of a business meeting and networking forum at the ACCP Spring and Annual meetings to promote networking, and organizing continuing education sessions and PRN focus sessions to keep in touch with cutting-edge drug therapies in the area of pediatrics.

Perioperative Care PRN

The ACCP Perioperative Care Practice and Research Network strives to address common concerns associated with pre-, intra-, and post-operative phases of care as they relate to patient specific parameters (age, gender, and co-morbid conditions) and medical severity. The scope of this network includes addressing underlying disease processes and progression, successfully managing sedation and pain, identifying alterations in drug disposition (administration, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion), and utilizing evidence based medicine to evaluate and minimize surgical complications. The goal of this network is to incorporate interdisciplinary collaboration through academia, research, and practice development while also ensuring safe and effective perioperative management of all patient populations.

Pharmaceutical Industry PRN

The Pharmaceutical Industry PRN supports members working in the pharmaceutical industry and provides awareness and education to members who do not work in the industry by: providing educational and developmental programs, and networking opportunities, for clinical pharmacists practicing in all aspects of industry; providing information about pharmacy practice in industry to the general membership of ACCP; and developing and facilitating research, educational, and pharmaceutical care collaborations between clinical pharmacists in pharmaceutical industry and academic or other clinical settings.

Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacogenomics PRN

The Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacogenomics PRN was created for ACCP members to provide a mechanism for networking and collaboration, educational programming, and a high-quality forum where members with similar interests can discuss PK/PD/PG research and methods. The PRN is a forum designed to present and discuss a variety of current topics including: precision medicine, population PK/PD/PG analyses, innovative modeling, clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenomic research, drug metabolism studies, and concentration-effect relationships.

Pulmonary PRN

The ACCP Pulmonary PRN mission is to improve the health of patients affected by pulmonary diseases by fostering practice innovation, supporting outcomes and translational research, and providing high-quality education to patients and practitioners. The Pulmonary PRN vision is to be the society-based organization for advancing pulmonary pharmacy practice, research, and education through collaboration, innovation, and leadership in an effort to optimize patient quality and quantity of life. The Pulmonary PRN interest areas include, but are not limited to: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis, interstitial lung diseases (ILD), collagen vascular lung diseases, cystic fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary hypertension, lung transplantation, lung cancer, tobacco dependence and infections of the lung. The major focus of the Pulmonary PRN is to provide a forum for like-minded practitioners to collaborate in patient care, education, and scholarly activities germane to our interests. All activities that the Pulmonary PRN engages in will be focused on achieving this goal. The Pulmonary PRN fosters multicenter prospective and retrospective research projects to advance the field.

Transplant PRN

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Transplant (TXP) Practice and Research Network (PRN)

To improve the health of tissue, cellular, and solid organ transplant donors and recipients and patients with immunologic disorders by fostering practice innovation, supporting outcomes and translational research, and providing high-quality education to patients and practitioners.

To be the society-based organization for modeling and advancing immunology and transplant pharmacy by promoting excellence in practice, research, and education through collaboration, innovation, and leadership in effort to optimize patient outcomes and quality of life.

5-year Plan

  1. Expand TXP PRN educational programs and secure continued success by providing cost-effective immunology and transplant pharmacist continuing education (CE)
    • Obtain a platform for webinar delivery and archiving
    • Formally partner with an accrediting body
    • Offer CE for purchase to protect organization longevity
  2. Foster pharmacy student, resident, and fellow development
    • Encourage annual participation of TXP PRN members in the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium
    • Promote immunology and transplant as career paths for pharmacy students and residents
    • Pursue interest in a transplant academia workgroup to assess and address the needs of schools/colleges of pharmacy related to solid organ transplant
    • Establish the TXP PRN Mentorship Program
  3. Maintain TXP PRN research seed grants and encourage pharmacist-driven research
    • Establish a budget line and recurrent funding source to support annual grants
    • Provide pharmacists with resources and opportunities for grant funding
    • Partner with PRNs
    • Partner with transplant and pharmacy societies
  4. Advocate for the advancement of immunology and transplant practitioners at the local, state, and national levels
    • Collaborate with other professional pharmacy organizations to advance the profession
  5. Provide leadership in the recognition of immunology and transplant practitioners
    • Opinion papers
    • BPS certification
    • Fellowships (FCCP)
    • Others
  6. Create an online repository of supportive practice-related documents for TXP PRN members
    • Policies
    • Protocols
    • Procedures
    • Local guidelines
  7. Enhance avenues of communication and involvement among TXP PRN members
    • Resident blog
    • Newsletter
    • Social media

Women's Health PRN

The Women's Health PRN consists of members whose interest range from pregnancy and prenatal care to the aging issues of osteoporosis and heart disease to gender-related pharmacokinetics. The PRN's purpose is to provide ACCP members with an interest in Women's Health a smaller community for exchange of practice ideas and opportunity for collaborative research. Multiple and varied practice sites are represented. The PRN's most exciting current endeavor is participating in the development of a women's health care module for the Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program (PSAP). Our goals are to provide innovative and practical education at ACCP meetings, and a newsletter that serves as a journal watch for current women's health literature. Purpose Statement The American College of Clinical Pharmacy Women's Health Practice and Research Network aims to lead in patient care, education, training, and scholarship pertaining to women's health, while advocating for women's health issues in the public policy arena to ensure access to safe and effective health care services and medications.