This course is designed to help oncology pharmacy practitioners prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Certification examination, and obtain broad and detailed updates to their knowledge in oncology. Jointly sponsored by ACCP and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the course content is based on the domains and knowledge areas tested on the examination.
This course is offered in two formats: live and home study. The live course is offered once a year each March. The home study materials are typically available in early July, each year. Participants who attend the live course receive the detailed workbook, filled with patient cases and practice-based self-assessment questions, and a copy of the instructional materials. The home study course materials, which are derived from the live presentation of the Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course, are available as an online course package. The online course package is available for both continuing pharmacy education credit and BCOP recertification credit*.
The 2019 Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course is available for purchase at
The 2020 Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course will be held March 5– March 7, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. To register
*only specific packages qualify for BCOP recertification credit.
The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) has approved the Oncology Pharmacy Home Study Syllabus as one of three components in a professional development program that can be used by Board Certified Oncology Pharmacists (BCOPs) as an alternative to the written recertification examination. The Home Study Syllabus consists of a collection of journal articles that focuses on advances across the four domains of oncology specialty practice. Upon successful completion of the post test, BCOPs will earn at least 8.0 hours of recertification credit per volume. The Oncology Pharmacy Home Study Syllabus is released in two volumes each year. The first volume is released in January each year, and the second volume is available in July each year, and both volumes expire six months after they are released.
To purchase the home study version of the Oncology Pharmacy Home Study Syllabus for Recertification please click here.
The BCOP Clinical Sessions are live educational programs that focus on new developments in oncology pharmacy. On an annual basis, BCOPs may earn at least 4.0 recertification hours for the live educational program following successful completion of a Web-based self-assessment examination. Actual hours available through live programming may vary from year to year, based on the content of the programming.
The BCOP Clinical Sessions are updated annually and are presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), and repeated at at the Midyear Clinical Meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). BCOPs who wish to earn recertification credit for the BCOP Clinical Sessions must register and attend one of these meetings and attend the BCOP Clinical Sessions and purchase access to the Web-based post test. Upon successful completion of the post test, BCOPs will earn up to 4.0 hours of recertification credit. Partial credit is not available. The self-assessment examination must be submitted within six months of the presented of the sessions at the ACCP Annual Meeting