American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Meeting News

ACCP Annual Meeting Offers Programming Designed Just for Students (November 11, 2023)

Students: Emerge From the Crowd of Residency Applicants 

Students seeking residency training already know the competitive environment they are entering. Those who attend today’s Emerge From the Crowd: How to Become a Standout Residency Candidate sessions will be one step closer to finding and obtaining that coveted residency position.  

With over 5 hours of live programming, participants will receive solid advice on how to build and maintain an effective digital profile. Students will also engage in active learning exercises and gain a feasible strategy for writing a standout letter of intent. A successful letter of intent leads to on-site and virtual interviews, so we have interview advice, as well. Finally, the program closes with roundtable discussions on critical topics like understanding the Match and daily functions of a PGY1 resident, facilitated by current residents.