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Sun-10 - Access barriers to the Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in patients with diabetes at a county-based primary care clinic

Scientific Poster Session II - Original Research

Original Research
  Sunday, November 12, 2023
  12:45 PM–02:15 PM


Introduction: Diabetes is a debilitating disease leading to potential micro-and macrovascular complications when left untreated. Data shows sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors are effective in preventing these complications; however, literature has shown significant access barriers.

Research Question or Hypothesis: Examine potential barriers of SGLT-2 inhibitor access in marginalized populations.

Study Design: retrospective, observational, single center study

Methods: 18 years and older with T2DM seen at the primary care clinic between January to December of 2022 were included. Electronic medical records were utilized, and patients were screened according to the 2022 ADA guidelines and divided into two groups: people who were initiated and not initiated on SGLT-2 inhibitor. Primary outcome, compare average A1c baseline values and comorbid conditions between the groups. Subgroup analysis on the initiated group to examine time difference between prescription and fill date. Chi-square or Fisher’s exact, were performed for categorical variables, and T-Test or Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test (non-parametric) were applied to continuous variables to determine group difference.

Results: 513 patients were screened, and 123 were eligible. 42 patients were initiated with SGLT-2 inhibitor and 81 were not. Average age was 60 with half being males in each group. Majority of patients in each group self-identified as Hispanic with MediCaid as their primary insurance. Average A1c at baseline was 8.8% in initiated group and 8.3% in non-initiated, not statistically significant (p=0.33). Significant difference seen in certain comorbid conditions. Higher portion of patients had heart failure in initiated group compared to non-initiated (48% vs. 9%, p<0.0001). Sub analysis for initiated group, 88% of prescriptions were sent to county pharmacies. Days lapsed between prescription and fill date was 63.3 at county compared to 78.7 at non-county pharmacies.

Conclusion: Despite eligibility per the 2022 ADA guidelines, larger number of patients were still not being initiated with a SGLT-2 inhibitor, and barriers still exist to access SGLT-2 inhibitors in marginalized population.

Presenting Author

Allison Flores PharmD
University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Mimi Lou MS
University of Southern California

Michelle Chu PharmD
Mengxi Wang MPH
University of Southern California