American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Mon-23 - Introduction to the Clinical Administration PRN

Scientific Poster Session III - PRN Contributed Posters

PRN Contributed Posters
  Monday, November 13, 2023
  01:00 PM–02:30 PM


This an overview of the Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Administration (CADM) PRN. It is a forum for addressing practice and academic issues related to clinical administration. It was officially recognized by ACCP in 2002. Currently, the PRN includes over 400 members. There are 5 standing committees in the PRN: Student/Resident, Communications, Nominations, Education/Content, and Annual Planning. The majority of members are formal leaders in pharmacy, e.g. managers and directors. Many of the members have been ACCP members for 10 or more years. Current emphases include incorporating DEI strategies in the practice settings and to increase member engagement.

Presenting Author

Nitish Bangalore Pharm.D.


Jacob Noble Pharm.D., MPH
Mayo Clinic - Rochester