American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Emerge from the Crowd is a one-day virtual workshop that is designed for first-, second- and third-year pharmacy students planning to pursue postgraduate residency training. Residency applicants must learn how to stand out in a highly competitive environment. The workshop will engage students in interactive sessions on curriculum vitae writing, managing finances, and writing an effective letter of intent.


8:55 AM CDTEmerge from the Crowd 2024 ZOOM link

9:00 AM CDTBreaking the Zoom Ice

9:10 AM CDTPlanning for Financial Freedom

Planning for financial freedom can include everything from minimizing and managing debt now as a student to leaving a legacy for your family upon your death. This session will help you develop a process to address your personal finances and design a plan for eventual financial freedom.  

Timothy UlbrichTimothy Ulbrich

Co-Founder & CEO
Your Financial Pharmacist
Columbus, Ohio

10:00 AM CDTCurriculum Vitae Writing

A well-written CV creates a positive image and distinguishes you from the rest of the crowd. Participate in a CV writing session that will prepare you to market your skills and experience effectively. Learn how to document the unique experiences that can distinguish you from other residency applicants.  

Briana MurrayBriana Murray

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist 

Chase Brexton Healthcare, Baltimore, Maryland 

11:00 AM CDTResident Panel Discussion

A panel of current residents will be available to answer your questions. Learn about a day in the life of a PGY1 or PGY2 resident, interview questions to expect, how to research and select a residency program, what to expect from the Match and Post-Match process, and more.  

Megan EdwardsMegan Edwards

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident
Mayo Clinic Hospital - Rochester

Edith FordEdith Ford

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident
Mayo Clinical Hospital - Phoenix

Marion JavellanaMarion Javellana

PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Resident, and Chief Resident
Emory University Hospital

Tanner MeltonTanner Melton

PGY2 Solid Organ Transplant Resident
Mayo Clinic Hospital - Rochester

Rowan RosewarneRowan Rosewarne

PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Resident
University of Michigan Health

Lorraine TodorLorraine Todor

PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Resident
Regional One Health

12:00 PM CDTLetter of Intent Writing

Discover the rules for the letter of intent, an important piece of your residency application. Find out how your letter of intent can engage the reader and help you rise above other residency candidates.   

Sally ArifSally Arif

Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Midwestern University College of Pharmacy-Downers Grove, IL

Cardiology Clinical Pharmacist, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL.

Affiliated Faculty, Center for Community Health Equity, Chicago, IL.

12:50 PM CDTQ & A


Program registration includes enrollment fee and access to The Field Guide to Becoming a Standout Pharmacy Candidate, Third Edition eBook.

(ENDS 3/29)
(AFTER 3/29)
Student Member $80 $140
Student Non-Member* $120 $180

*First-time meeting attendees who have never been an ACCP member and who register and pay for the full meeting will automatically receive a complimentary 6-month membership in ACCP.

Registration will open February 1, 2023.


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