American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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SNPhA x ACCP Residency and Fellowship Showcase Candidates Frequently Asked Questions


Q:  I'm not quite ready to apply for a postgraduate training program but would like to attend the showcase to learn more. Do I still need to submit a candidate profile if I am not ready to apply?

A:  Yes. Submitting your candidate profile gives hiring representatives an idea about who you are and where you are in your career. It also tells them what your intentions are, i.e. whether you are looking for a particular position or if you are inquiring about their programs in general. Please note that program representatives have limited time available during the showcase. Be respectful of those seeking 2023/2024 positions by limiting your questions and interactions to a few minutes.


Q:  Is this event for SNPhA members?

A:   Yes! This event was collaboratively planned and offered by SNPhA and ACCP. All SNPhA members are encouraged to participate. 


Q:  Is this event for ACCP members?

A:   Yes! This event was collaboratively planned and offered by SNPhA and ACCP. All ACCP student and trainee members are encouraged to participate. 


Q:  Do I have to be an ACCP or SNPhA member to participate?

A:  No! Anyone seeking postgraduate training is welcome to participate!


Q:  Is this event for current students?

A:   Yes. Current students and residents who will enter residency or fellowship programs in 2023 are encouraged to attend. All the positions posted will begin in 2023, so those seeking positions beginning in 2023 should receive the highest priority.


Q:  How do I prepare for the Showcase?

A:   Determine which programs you would like to visit by reviewing position listings AND going to that program’s website to learn more. Be sure to come prepared with informed questions for recruiters. With time limitations in mind, it is best to focus on specific questions rather than general inquiries. Use the virtual platform link within the position listings to enter virtual Showcase booths.


Q:  Is there a list of programs that I can access before the meeting?

A:   A detailed list of positions, programs and program representatives is available on the event webpage.


Q:  How long should I stay at each virtual booth?

A:   There are typically multiple candidates waiting to talk to program directors. We encourage you to spend no more than 5-10 minutes at each booth. If you run out of time, ask the program director if they are available to talk with you at another time.


Other questions? Please e-mail?[email protected]


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