American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Student Encourages Involvement in COVID-19 Volunteer Efforts

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Clarissa-Cecile X. Wu
Apr 05, 2020

Clarissa Wu, an ACCP student member in the class of 2021 at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) University, encourages fellow students to get involved in COVID-19 volunteer groups. As a volunteer for the Medical Reserve Corps in Brookline and Newton Massachusetts, she disseminates information across social media platforms regarding safe COVID-19 practices and has the opportunity to assume other volunteer activities as they become available. She also volunteers with Medical Personnel Support – Boston, where she is assigned to a frontline healthcare worker to provide support, such as delivering groceries or picking up prescriptions. In addition to carrying out these volunteer activities and completing her pharmacy school coursework, she serves as a pharmacy technician at Boston Medical Center, working in the IV room every weekend, contributing to the continuity of inpatient services during this pandemic.