American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Adapting to All-Online Curricular Delivery

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Craig B. Whitman, Pharm.D.
Apr 19, 2020

Craig Whitman, Pharm.D., Clinical Professor at Temple University School of Pharmacy, has undergone a substantial change in his perspective on teaching. “I coordinate a Pharmacotherapeutics Recitation course, which includes small group work with students developing a drug therapy plan, journal club write-ups and presentations, and formal inservice presentations. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our school went to completely online education. I had to transition this course that has many layers and concurrent activities over to a Zoom-based course. I have also worked to transition another Lab simulation experience in our Pharmacy Practice Lab to Zoom sessions, so students still have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in the core courses. So far, there has been a positive response and students have kept a positive attitude in adjusting to the new learning environment.” Dr. Whitman has more than 10 years of teaching experience and serves as an example of how today’s pharmacy educators are adopting new educational paradigms. He closed his communication to ACCP on a reassuring note, stating “We are all in this together!”