American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Pharmacy Residents Launch Wellness Warriors Project

Submitted By:

Ashley Barlow, Pharm.D.
Apr 08, 2020

ACCP member residents Ashley Barlow, Brooke Barlow, and Andrew Webb have established the Wellness Warriors project to provide support and encouragement to other pharmacist trainees. “Caring for patients with COVID-19 is very taxing,” said co-founder Ashley Barrow. “Many pharmacy residents are miles away from family and friends; and with very strict travel restrictions, it feels nearly impossible to garner encouragement from our biggest support systems. We all want to set an example by social distancing but we also don’t want to feel detached from the people who we need the most.”

The mission of the Wellness Warriors is to connect pharmacy professionals worldwide and create a supportive network during COVID-19. Project activities focus on self-care such as fitness, healthy eating, and virtual social hours. In addition, the project seeks to give participants a break from the all-consuming media communications surrounding COVID-19. The Wellness Warriors offer Netflix parties and game nights to help residents and students decompress while providing a virtual support system for those who are distanced from their friends and families. Events are scheduled on a weekly basis and the project is also providing resources for those who cannot attend a live event. For example, on April 3, the project hosted a wellness weekend and encouraged twitter users to post pictures of themselves engaged in their favorite fitness activity. This was complemented by an infographic and a Dropbox link to favorite workouts. On Wednesday April 8, the Warriors will host a virtual group fitness class to encourage everyone to remain healthy together. More information about project activities is available on Twitter accounts @theABofPharmaC and @AJWPharm.