American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Firsthand Experience Setting Up a COVID Field Hospital Pharmacy

Submitted By:

Ashley Barlow, Pharm.D.
Apr 10, 2020

ACCP resident member Ashley Barlow reports that during this month’s administrative rotation at the University of Maryland Medical Center, she had the chance to participate in a unique effort. In order to prepare for the COVID-19 surge in Baltimore, city hospitals are transforming the Baltimore Convention Center into a 250-bed field hospital to increase bed capacity. The University of Maryland Medical Center was tasked with developing pharmacy services for this new hospital, along with other medical services. The Senior Director of Pharmacy Services at University of Maryland Medical Center involved Ashley in this initiative. They worked with the clinical/pharmacy leadership and government officials to develop an on-site medication formulary that addressed symptomatic management of common ailments (nausea, vomiting, fever) together with treatment of acute changes in chronic illnesses. In addition, they ordered the pharmaceuticals and other supplies needed to construct the pharmacy, developed procedures for self-administration of home medications, and drafted written policies for safe and effective service delivery. Reflecting on her experience, Ashley commented, “This project required us to get creative and think outside the box in order to simplify the workflow as much as possible and to minimize additional strain on nursing, medicine, and pharmacy personnel. In addition, this experience allowed me to collaborate and interact with a wide variety of medical leaders, including individuals from FEMA and the Maryland Department of Health, physician leaders, and nursing and financial managers.”  The convention center’s concession stand is being transformed into a fully functioning pharmacy ready to address the COVID-19 surge and deliver care to Baltimore citizens. Ashley added, “When I pictured my administration rotation, I envisioned myself learning how to manage a pharmacy, but instead I became involved in creating a NEW pharmacy in just a few weeks!”