American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Clinical Pharmacist Provides COVID-19 Testing in Concierge Medicine Practice

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Shannon W. Finks, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Apr 23, 2020

ACCP Member Shannon Finks, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCP, FCCP, is practicing in a concierge medicine practice in Memphis, Tennessee, with her husband, Lloyd Finks, MD, a board-certified internist. Their practice has established a drive-through COVID-19 testing service. Patients are first screened through a telemedicine visit and those who meet criteria for COVID-19 testing, based on signs, symptoms, and exposure history, are provided a test appointment time. Upon arrival for the drive-up test, patients are met in the car by Shannon, accompanied by her pharmacy students, to perform the COVID-19 test. During this interaction, she obtains a nasopharyngeal swab sample and measures the patient’s temperature and pulse oximetry. If the patient displays moderate to severe symptoms, Lloyd performs an assessment. After receiving the COVID test results, Shannon and her students follow-up with the patient, not only to discuss the results, but also to check on how he/she is feeling.