American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Managing Clinical Services in the Midst of a Pandemic

Submitted By:

Cynthia A. Brasher, Pharm.D., MS, BCPS
May 30, 2020

Cynthia Brasher, Chair of the Clinical Administration PRN, reports that the PRN held a virtual roundtable discussion on May 21 focused on “Managing Clinical Pharmacy Services During COVID-19.” From an administrative perspective, participants shared reflections on how the pandemic has 1) presented challenges to sustaining services, 2) provided some opportunities to expand services, 3) created staff discomfort related to covering new patient types and encountering increased viral exposure, and 4) posed questions regarding access to technology and its impact on patient care.

Discussants emphasized that their focus is on “doing everything we can to support our team members.” It was noted that productivity metrics that guide staffing requirements may not always apply during conditions such as this, requiring careful planning and negotiation with senior leadership. Although not necessarily on the "front lines,” clinical administrators are supporting team members, reducing interruptions in patient care by managing staffing needs, and procuring PPE to ensure safety.