American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Pharmacy Residents Step-Up in Response to Pandemic

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Renee Petzel Gimbar, PharmD, FAACT
Jun 08, 2020

Clinical pharmacy trainees have been actively supporting patient care, education, and research during the COVID-19 pandemic. ACCP member Renee Petzel Gimbar, Pharm.D, FAACT, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), reports how residents have stepped-up to shoulder increased responsibilities during this challenging time. Gimbar observed, “Our pharmacy residents have helped support emergency medicine clinical pharmacists in the emergency department (ED), caring for COVID patients on the frontline over the past three months. The residents have rearranged rotations to help out in the UIC ED and MICU, and continue to cover their in house on-call shifts. They show up, day after day, and work tirelessly to care for patients. They have helped ensure optimal care as we learn more about this virus and how it affects our patients.”