American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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PGY-2 Resident Adapts to COVID-Related Changes in Training Opportunities

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Alex Rock, PharmD
Jun 08, 2020

ACCP member Alex Rock, Pharm.D., BCPS, AAHIVP, reports the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on postgraduate training. As an Infectious Diseases and HIV PGY-2 Pharmacy Resident at the University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC), he manages longitudinal HIV transitions of care services for patients admitted to the University of Illinois Hospital. During the pandemic, his responsibilities have expanded and become more acute. When patients are started on empiric therapies, including clinical trial medications, he navigates the numerous potential drug interactions that exist with his patients’ antiretrovirals to ensure appropriate care and safety.

In addition, Alex’s monthly rotation schedule underwent substantial reorganization. Because many practice sites could no longer accommodate resident trainees and students, Alex identified services where he could help alleviate some of the burden placed on UIC clinicians and faculty. He helped cover both the general and transplant infectious diseases services to allow the primary clinical pharmacists on those services more time to aid in protocol development, laboratory testing triage, and clinical trial coordination. He also took advantage of opportunities to assist with ongoing COVID-19 clinical trials.