American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Clinical Pharmacists Provide Drive-up Osteoporosis Therapy

Submitted By:

Amy C. Turner, PharmD
Jul 15, 2020

The clinical pharmacist-managed osteoporosis service at Scripps Coastal Medical Centers in San Diego, California, found that patients were postponing their appointments to receive their denosumab injections due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Recognizing that this clinic population was at high risk for both COVID-related illness and osteoporotic fractures, the clinical pharmacists quickly moved from giving denosumab injections in the clinic to a "curbside" administration model. They set up an area outside of the clinics where patients could wait in their vehicles until a staff member came to administer the injection. This minimized the risk of contracting COVID-19 while also maintaining treatment for osteoporosis. This innovative approach to provide both safe and effective care was well received by the Scripps patients.