American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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From the Desk of the ACCP President

December 19, 2023
Brian A. Hemstreet, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS


ACCP Board of Regents Announcement

Dear ACCP Members,

Over the last several months the ACCP Board of Regents and staff have welcomed your feedback regarding a variety of issues, including selecting awardees and keynote speakers, navigating organizational communications, and choosing annual meeting sites, amongst others. The Board of Regents met last week to review this collective feedback and consider how we can continue to lead the organization in a way that aligns with our core values and respects the diverse perspectives of our membership.

One of the privileges of serving as ACCP President is that I have the opportunity to address the membership at regular intervals via the President’s Column in the ACCP Report and From the Desk of the ACCP President emails. I hope to use some of these pieces over the next few months to address concerns that have been raised recently. To start, I would like to directly address concerns raised at the annual meeting regarding the meeting location.

Based on member feedback, the board recognizes that the location of the annual meeting can impact a member’s decision to attend. The board is committed to identifying locations that meet the logistical demands of our meeting and provide members with a safe and enjoyable experience. I encourage members to continue to submit recommendations for future meeting locations. Given that factors can develop in an unpredictable manner and consequently may be beyond ACCP’s control, I hope you will join me in creating a welcoming meeting environment to ensure that attendees feel valued and safe. Many of you participated in efforts this year to greet first-time attendees and help orient them to the Annual Meeting and introduce them to other members. This is an excellent example I hope we can build on for the 2024 Annual Meeting.

The board also recognizes the importance of developing regular forums for 2-way communication. To continue to listen and better understand the varying needs of our membership, the board will host quarterly town halls in 2024. We also encourage continued feedback to the board through the means you find most comfortable whether that is email (to [email protected]), outreach to PRN leadership, or direct communications to us through social media or at upcoming meetings. Thank you again for your candid feedback and your commitment to making ACCP an even better organization for our members. I hope you enjoy the rest of 2023 and have a Happy New Year.


Brian Hemstreet, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
ACCP President


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