American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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PRN Report


Building Bridges for the Future

Written by Leigh Ann Ross, Pharm.D., FCCP, FASHP, FAPhA, FNAP, BCPS


The ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy is almost here! San Francisco will serve as host to the Global Conference on October 15–18, 2022. What an exciting time to reconnect in person with colleagues! A recent ACCP poll indicated that networking was a primary reason that respondents look forward to the Global Conference, and what better way to do this than through our Practice and Research Networks. I anticipate that our PRN educational sessions and networking events will be a huge success – I hope you plan to attend (2022 ACCP Global Conference Information).

As I made travel arrangements for the Global Conference, I reminisced about previous visits to San Francisco and the many memories from those trips. One that stands out as a “bucket list” opportunity was participating with friends in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon while attending a conference there a few years ago. Not only did we get to enjoy music along the course, but we also had the good fortune of running across the Golden Gate Bridge and back. What a cool experience! At the time of its opening in 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was the longest and tallest suspension bridge in the world. Although it no longer holds this honor, it is an incredibly impressive (and long!) bridge, especially when crossing on foot.

The grandeur of this iconic bridge and the significance of the connections it created between people and places when it was built illustrate the importance of building bridges in all of our work. Effective bridges between people connect those in different places, reduce isolation, and enable ideas to be shared. The College serves as a bridge for clinical pharmacists to others within and outside our profession. Within ACCP, our PRNs are essential bridges connecting members throughout the organization. Thank you for your active engagement in your PRN(s) and for serving to connect members in PRN and ACCP activities.

As we build bridges, ACCP continues its steadfast commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Our DEI efforts have been advanced through outside consultation, development of the ACCP DEI plan, and recommendations from the 2022 DEI Task Force. One specific example of this work is a proposed revision to the ACCP Bylaws, which has been recommended by the DEI Task Force, approved by the Organizational Affairs Committee, and endorsed by the Board of Regents in July. It has now been placed before the ACCP voting membership for approval. ACCP’s DEI plan includes a goal to create and sustain an inclusive culture within the organization, and this proposed revision to the bylaws is intended to provide a clear statement indicating ACCP’s commitment to embracing DEI. A more comprehensive report of DEI activities over the past 2 years can be found in the August ACCP Report (ACCP Report: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ACCP). We continue to balance the sense of urgency to move our organization to optimally model inclusivity; reflect diversity in our leadership, award recipients, and membership; and ensure equitable practices in all aspects of our operations, while also recognizing the importance of patience in our work toward excellence in DEI implementation. I encourage each of you to review the ACCP DEI plan and identify ways in which you as a PRN and ACCP member can engage in the coming year.

The presidential theme for this year has been “Advocacy to Advance Our Profession!” This year, ACCP launched a new Advocacy in Action newsletter, which provides an excellent way for members to stay informed and engaged with the College’s advocacy work. The newsletter is published quarterly, and the most recent issue is available here (ACCP Advocacy in Action Newsletter). The College remains committed to an advocacy platform that promotes coverage and payment for comprehensive clinical pharmacy services, fosters value-based alternative payment models, and communicates the value of clinical pharmacists to multiple payers. To highlight two specific legislative initiatives, ACCP joined pharmacy colleagues from across the profession to support the Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act (ECAPS), which enables Medicare patients to receive timely and consistent treatment from pharmacists for pandemic-related health services and facilitates pharmacist response to current and future threats to public health. In addition, ACCP and 28 other state and national pharmacy organizations united to request that Congress take action to fully fund the Health Resources & Services Administration COVID-19 Uninsured Program and provide clarification that any currently unpaid claims will receive priority for reimbursement. ACCP has also joined a broad group of health care professionals and stakeholders in support of the PREVENT Pandemics Act (S. 3799) – bipartisan legislation to strengthen U.S. public health, medical preparedness, and response systems. This would improve the nation’s testing and treatment capabilities and address the disparities in public health care. One key professional advocacy initiative for ACCP is its support of the Get the Medications Right (GTMRx) Institute, whose goal is to advance a team-based, systematic approach to optimize medication use. You can learn more about ACCP’s integral involvement in the work of the GTMRx Institute in the recently launched ACCP Advocacy Miniseries (ACCP Advocacy Miniseries). Finally, several informative advocacy-related sessions will be featured at the Global Conference, starting with the Keynote Address by Dr. Michael S. Barr, “Can Comprehensive Medication Management Save the Value-Based Payment Movement?” Two additional sessions will focus on clinical pharmacy advocacy: “Beyond Provider Status: Developing, Advancing, and Positioning Clinical Pharmacists Through Interprofessional Efforts” and “Advancing Medication Optimization Through State-Based Models and Legislative Efforts.” For those attending the Global Conference, I hope you will mark your calendar to learn more about ACCP’s advocacy initiatives and how you can be a part.

Advancing comprehensive medication management (CMM) practice in which clinical pharmacists work as part of the health care team to optimize medication use continues to be a primary focus for ACCP. Last year, findings from ACCP’s CMM in Primary Care Study were published, together with guidance for future directions and resources for implementation. ACCP continues to offer a 10-week virtual certificate program, Medication Optimization Through the Provision of Comprehensive Medication Management, for international pharmacists interested in integrating CMM into their practice. In June, ACCP launched the Comprehensive Medication Management Implementation Academy designed to provide clinical pharmacists and clinical pharmacy administrators with the knowledge and skills to implement, enhance, or expand CMM services. This 12- to 24-month program focuses on the foundations and business aspects of CMM, implementation and measurement, and evaluation and reporting of outcomes. The ACCP CMM Academy incorporates on-demand modules, live consultancy sessions with CMM experts, and mentorship to develop business plans, collaborative practice agreements, documentation tools, and other CMM resources. Information is available at ACCP CMM Implementation Academy.

Sir Isaac Newton, father of the principles of modern physics, is credited with the quote, “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” It has never been more important to embrace and use our existing “bridges” and build more as we seek to connect people, promote inclusivity, and instill a sense of belonging in our organization, our profession, and beyond. Thank you for all you are doing to build bridges! It is an honor to serve with each of you. I look forward to connecting with many of you in San Francisco!