The votes are in, and the future leaders of ACCP’s Practice and Research Networks (PRNs) have been elected. Please extend your congratulations to both the newly elected officers and those who will continue to serve their respective PRNs in the coming year.
Adult Medicine
- Chair: Haley N. Johnson
- Chair-Elect: Kristina Evans
- Secretary-Treasurer: Emmeline Tran
Ambulatory Care
- Chair: Insaf Mohammad
- Chair-Elect: Kirk E. Evoy
- Secretary-Treasurer: Jonathan C. Hughes
- Chair: Stormi Gale
- Chair-Elect: Ian B. Hollis
- Secretary-Treasurer: Genevieve Hale
Central Nervous System
- Chair: Jason Chau
- Chair-Elect: Roxana Dumitru
- Secretary-Treasurer: Pamela Brittany Vickery
Clinical Administration
- Chair: Adriane N. Irwin
- Chair-Elect: Maura I. Hall
- Secretary-Treasurer: Zack J. Dumont
- Chair: Christopher J. Daly
- Chair-Elect: Joseph P. Fava
- Secretary-Treasurer: Rebecca M. Lahrman
Critical Care
- Chair: Susan E. Smith
- Chair-Elect: Zach R. Smith
- Secretary-Treasurer: Nicole M. Palm
- Member: Melissa L. Thompson Bastin
- Member: Christy C. Forehand
Drug Information
- Chair: Miki A. Goldwire
- Chair-Elect: Maha Saad
- Secretary-Treasurer: Maggie Segovia
Education and Training
- Chair: Alex N. Isaacs
- Chair-Elect: Elizabeth M. Bald
- Secretary-Treasurer: Sarah E. Vordenberg
Emergency Medicine
- Chair: Heather L. Blue
- Chair-Elect: Alyssa J.Z. Robertson
- Secretary-Treasurer: Christina Tran
Endocrine and Metabolism
- Chair: Elizabeth K. Van Dril
- Chair-Elect: Megan E. Wesling
- Secretary-Treasurer: Sumana M. Mukherjee
- Chair: Les Covington
- Chair-Elect: Collin M. Clark
- Secretary-Treasurer: Stephen Argiro
- Chair: Courtney Wood
- Chair-Elect: Stephanie Bass
- Secretary-Treasurer: Sarah Cogle
Global Health
- Chair: Veena Venugopalan
- Chair-Elect: Martha Ndung’u
- Secretary-Treasurer: Kathy E. Monangai
Health Equity
- Chair: Tam Phan
- Chair-Elect: Sharmon P. Osae
- Secretary-Treasurer: Jerika V. Nguyen
Health Outcomes
- Chair: Omolola A. Adeoye-Olatunde
- Chair-Elect: Mia E. Lussier
- Secretary-Treasurer: Andrew Hwang
- Chair: Farah Raheem
- Chair-Elect: Nikola Paulic
- Secretary-Treasurer: Shawn P. Griffin
- Chair: Marisa Brizzi
- Chair-Elect: David Cluck
- Secretary-Treasurer: Kevin N. Astle
Infectious Diseases
- Chair: Wesley D. Kufel
- Chair-Elect: Rachel S. Britt
- Secretary-Treasurer: Pratish C. Patel
- Chair: Wasim S. El Nekidy
- Chair-Elect: Jessica L. Wallace
Pain and Palliative Care
- Chair: Emily Uebbing
- Chair-Elect: Nicole Genovese
- Secretary-Treasurer: Lisa Lynn Luciani (Dragic)
- Chair: Lucas Orth
- Chair-Elect: Brent A. Hall
- Secretary-Treasurer: Megan Greene
Perioperative Care
- Chair: Dustin Carneal
- Chair-Elect: Rachel C. Wolfe
- Secretary: Julie Maamari
- Treasurer: Sally A. Tice
Pharmaceutical Industry
- Chair: Christopher D. Adams
- Chair-Elect: Mark S. Shaefer
- Secretary-Treasurer: Yan Pan
- Chair: Jacob T. Brown
- Chair-Elect: Amy Pasternak
- Secretary-Treasurer: Natasha Petry
- Chair: Paul M. Boylan
- Chair-Elect: Megan Fleischman
- Secretary-Treasurer: Jeffrey Gonzales
- Chair: Elizabeth Cohen
- Chair-Elect: Nicole R. Alvey
- Secretary-Treasurer: Marissa M. Brokhof
- Member: Rickey Evans
- Member: Anne Thorndyke
- Trainee: Eve Carciofi
Women’s Health
- Chair: Sarah A. Kain
- Chair-Elect: Regina C. Arellano
- Past Chair: Jaini Patel
- Public Policy Liaison: Lalita Prasad-Reddy