American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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PRN Report

PRNs Prepare for Elections

This spring, the PRNs begin the election process to determine who will serve as officers in the coming year. If you are interested in running for office in your PRN or in nominating a PRN member colleague for office, please contact your PRN’s chair.

2024 PRN Election Timetable

PRNs issue call for nominations


PRNs submit slate of candidates to ACCP

May 31

Electronic balloting opens; PRN members are notified by email

July 8

Electronic balloting closes

August 5

ACCP notifies PRNs of election results

August 9

PRNs notify candidates within 10 days after balloting closes

August 16



As in previous years, PRN elections will be held online. PRN members will receive an email announcing the opening of balloting. Members will use their log-in and password to access the ACCP website. Each member will then be able to access and cast a ballot for each PRN of which he or she is a current member.

As the election nears, members should review their email and the ACCP website for further news about online voting.