American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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PRN Report

Postgraduate Trainee (PGT) Update

Residents, Fellows, and Graduate Students

Many PGTs have expressed that they are unaware of the opportunities to get involved in the PRNs. Therefore, efforts made by those in PRN leadership to provide the Resident Advisory Committee with PGT-specific information are greatly appreciated. Resident, fellow, and graduate students can now view this information on the Web site ( The information will be updated every November.

Sixty-seven PGT members of ACCP currently participate in the 2013–2014 Mentoring Program. Mentors are ACCP members with at least 5 years of professional experience who have volunteered to participate in the program. Mentor/mentee pairs are encouraged to correspond at least monthly and are provided with timely topics to discuss. A call for mentors goes out each year in August.

All resident, fellow, and graduate student members of ACCP currently receive a monthly electronic newsletter titled Experts in Training. The newsletter primarily highlights the membership benefits of ACCP. This year, a Q&A piece was added to address specific PGT issues in more detail. You may view the archives through the link above. If there are topics you’d like to see covered in future editions, submit your ideas to [email protected].

The College is currently accepting applications for all positions on the 2014–2015 National Resident Advisory Committee. The committee is a working group composed of residents, fellows, and graduate student members of ACCP. Applications for chair, vice chair, and member-at-large positions are due by June 13, 2014.