American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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PRN Report

PRNs Prepare for Elections


It is time for the PRNs to determine who will serve as officers in the coming year. If you are interested in being a PRN officer or in nominating someone, please contact your PRN’s chair.

Election Process

The Nominations Committee will consist of at least two individuals appointed by the PRN’s chair. These individuals may be the PRN’s current elected officers. Those who are on a PRN’s Nominations Committee will be ineligible to run for office in that PRN’s election that year. The Nominations Committee should prepare a slate of candidates and shall provide information related to election procedures to each candidate. The Nominations Committee shall also provide a timeline and list of expected duties.

When possible, two or three candidates for each office shall be up for election. If only one candidate can be identified, an election will still be held, with voters given the option of identifying a write-in candidate. When there are more than three possible candidates, the PRN’s Nominations Committee will be responsible for narrowing the slate to three candidates. The Nominations Committee will obtain a brief (250 words) biographical sketch or candidate statement from each candidate.


As in previous years, PRN elections will be held online. PRN members will receive an e-mail from ACCP that outlines the voting procedure. Members will use their log-in and password to access the ACCP website. Each member will then be able to access the ballot for each PRN of which he or she is a current member.

2017 Election Timetable

PRN call for nominations March 2017
Submission of slates and candidate
biographies to ACCP
June 9, 2017
Electronic balloting opens August 14, 2017
Committee contact notified of results August 17, 2017
Nominations Committee notifies all
candidates of election results
August 23, 2017
(within 10 days of the election)
ACCP staff notifies new officers of meeting
date and time at the ACCP Annual Meeting
September 2017

As the election nears, members should review their e-mail messages and the ACCP website for further news about online voting.