American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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PRN Report

President's PRN Report

John E. Murphy, Pharm.D.,FCCP, FASHP

As we prepare to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), I have been reflecting on many aspects of ACCP’s growth and innovations. The practice and research networks (PRNs) have largely been a tremendous success story for the organization and its members during the years of their existence. The vision of those who conceived of the PRNs has clearly been borne out over time. Opportunities to network about practice and research issues during the year through e-mail lists and face to face at the major ACCP meetings, and the creation of high-level programming targeted to member needs, continue to create synergies for individual clinical pharmacists as well as the entire organization. In addition, participation in PRN committees and leadership can provide a conduit to service and leadership roles at other levels of the organization for those who are interested. Based on the results of the governance survey conducted earlier this year, it is not clear to all members that this pathway exists, so we will do more to enhance members’ understanding of this and other ways to serve the organization in the future.

An issue of continuing importance to ACCP, strongly related to the PRNs, is the increase in recognition by the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties (BPS) of a much larger number of the specialties practiced by our members. Since the publication earlier this year of our paper titled “Proposed Revision to the Existing Specialty and Specialist Certification Framework for Pharmacy Practitioners,” we have continued to discuss with BPS the issues related to examining new specialization frameworks. Although progress is not as fast as we might wish, we remain dedicated to working with BPS and other organizations committed to the recognition of pharmacy specialties to make new BPS specialization frameworks possible.

As I approach the end of my tenure as president of ACCP, I particularly want to thank the many PRN members who assist ACCP with student programs and initiatives by serving as Faculty Liaisons and reviewers for the online CV service and by supporting the Student Travel Awards Program. Our tremendous increase in student membership and students’ interest in ACCP are attributable, in large part, to these efforts. I also will be celebrating a 30th anniversary this year – of my role as a member of the clinical faculty ranks. The excitement and vitality that students bring to my daily existence and to the profession always inspire me to do better, so I sincerely appreciate the efforts of ACCP members on the behalf of students.

I also wish to thank all of you who actively support the Research Institute both personally and through the PRN. I hope many of you will join the new PBRN so that we can make it a rousing success on behalf of our profession, members, and patients.

It has been a great 30 years for ACCP and a wonderful year for me, serving as ACCP’s president. I am humbled to have had this opportunity, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. As the time approaches for me to hand over the reins to Dr. Tisdale, I want you all to know that we have a fabulous staff that deserves many thanks from me. They are all dedicated to this organization beyond measure. Although it is easy to take them for granted as we go about our busy lives, they do so much for the organization, and we all owe them our thanks for helping ACCP become what it is today.