American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2009 Focused Investigator Training Program

Are you ready to take your research to the next level? The FIT Program is an annual, intensive, 1-week, hands-on program for up to 25 experienced pharmacist investigators who have not yet been awarded significant peer-reviewed extramural funding as principal investigators. The 2009 FIT Program will be held July 11–16, 2009, at the University of Utah, College of Pharmacy. Through this mentored program, you will take necessary steps toward preparing a K, R01, or similar investigator-initiated application for submission to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other major funding source. One of the 2008 FIT Program mentors, Dr. Julie Wright from the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine, provides her reflections on the experience:

  • The Focused Investigator Training (FIT) Program is an invaluable opportunity for individuals on a research career track. It is a rare opportunity—a moment in time when you can temporarily leave behind competing responsibilities to thoroughly invest your time, skills, and energy into your own research goals. Remarkably, the FIT mentors are equally dedicated to and focused on the FIT participants and their research goals. It is exciting and rewarding to see the stewardship among the mentors and mentees—so many scholars devoted to the development of successful researchers. I believe the unique design of the FIT Program can advance a committed individual’s research plan by years.

Applications open January 1, 2009. Visit to download the 2009 FIT Brochure.