American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Share an ACCP Gift Code for the Holidays

Need a gift idea for a colleague or student? Or know someone who would benefit from ACCP products or services? Now there’s an easy way to share professional pharmacy resources: the ACCP Gift Code.

Available through the ACCP Online Bookstore, these no-fee Gift Codes can be purchased singly or in groups and in any denomination. Immediately upon purchase, a receipt with each 16-digit Gift Code will be sent to your e-mail address. From there, the ACCP Gift Code is easy to share by sending in an e-mail, greeting card, or letter.

Once activated, the recipient can use the full amount of the Gift Code to pay for any ACCP service, publication, or event. No expiration date is associated with the Gift Code; any leftover funds will remain, and the recipient will be prompted to apply them to the next purchase from the ACCP Web site.

So don’t wait—the holiday season is here. Give the gift of ACCP’s professional pharmacy resources with an ACCP Gift Code.