American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

PPD Bioanalytical Grant—Deadline Extended: January 15, 2009

PPD Bioanalytical Fluid and Tissue Grant AwardDo you have stored samples waiting to be analyzed but lack the resources you need to do the analyses? The Research Institute is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for full and associate ACCP members in 2009. The PPD Bioanalytical Fluid and Tissue Sample Grant Award supports the bioanalytical research efforts of ACCP member researchers. You will travel to a state-of-the-art PPD facility to work and learn from on-site scientists. Grant award winners will be reimbursed for their transportation and housing costs while working at the PPD facility. PPD will cover the costs associated with the actual analysis. The Research Institute encourages members to take advantage of this unique professional development opportunity. Download an application from and apply today.