American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Initiates New Volunteer Recognition Program

In an effort to more formally recognize the many volunteer contributions of ACCP members, the College has launched a new Volunteer Recognition Program. This program serves to acknowledge the many volunteer contributions that members make to committees, chapters, PRNs, national and regional meetings, publications, and other activities. ACCP has created a section on the College’s Web site where individuals are recognized for notable contributions to ACCP and the pharmacy profession through committee work, publications, presentations, and other individual or collaborative efforts. Visit the Web site to view the current listing of volunteers recognized for specific contributions to the College. Each PRN and chapter, together with their associated work groups, will be contacted regularly, on a rotating basis, to submit volunteer names. ACCP is pleased to be able to highlight the many important member contributions that help the College achieve its mission. The Volunteer Recognition Program was conceived and developed by the 2008 Member Relations Committee: Jo Ellen Rodgers (Chair), Beth Resman-Targoff (Vice Chair), William Dager, William Greenberg, Joanna Hudson, Sarah Martin, Patricia Orlando, Patricia Ross, Marisel Segarra-Newnham, and Joyce Thomas.