One of the best ways for student pharmacists to experience clinical pharmacy in action is to participate in an ACCP national meeting. This spring, through the generous support of individual members and PRNs, 17 students will gain the opportunity to do just that at the International Congress in Orlando by receiving travel grants or complimentary meeting registrations. The following students are recipients of the 2009 ACCP/ESCP International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy Student Travel Awards:
- Nadeje Aurubin
- Ronaldo Barbosa
- Aida Bickley
- Allison Billock
- Marianna Fedorenko
- Whitney Hauser
- Megan Kavanaugh-Musselman
- Wiyanna Kramer
- Rebecca Lau
- Lina Meng
- Jennifer Neal
- Niti Patel
- Tanvi Patil
- Seema Shah
- Lida Valentine
- Amanda Worshum
- Rebekah Wrenn
To qualify for an award, an applicant must be a student member enrolled as a full-time pharmacy student who is pursuing his or her first professional degree program. Applicants are required to submit an essay, a curriculum vitae, and two letters of recommendation from faculty members or preceptors. Students will be able to submit an online application later this summer for this fall’s awards cycle. The call for applications for the 2009 Annual Meeting Student Travel Awards will be issued in July.
Travel awards encourage student attendance at ACCP meetings and help promote future involvement in the College. Donations to the Student Travel Award Fund helped support this spring’s awards, and they will continue to fund awards supporting attendance at upcoming ACCP national meetings. All funds collected by the Student Travel Award Fund are applied directly to student meeting support; no funds are used for administrative or overhead expenses. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to help support student attendance at an ACCP meeting, contact Jon Poynter, Membership Project Manager, at [email protected].